“What does the PTA do?” is a common question. There’s a lot! Identifies issues and concerns related to the health and educational success of our student body, provides teacher stipends and grade level enrichment funds, arranges exterior beautification projects, decorates inside the school, coordinates fall and spring book fairs, establishes community partnerships with local businesses to create additional funding and sponsorship opportunities, coordinates restaurant night fundraising, plans family-centered activities for Family Book Fair Nights (fall/spring), annual girls’ dance and boys’ event, submits grant funding opportunities, maintains an updated marquee, manages Partner Programs such as grocery store rewards and box tops, organizes the PTA Reflections program, oversees Room Parent volunteers, runs our fall fundraiser (Direct Give) and spring fundraiser (Boosterthon), maintains school spirit store, updates social media and website platforms, plans staff appreciation events and treats, coordinates edukits, welcoming events and the list really does go on and on!
We are very lucky at TCE that our PTA is a GREAT team of supportive, collaborative and welcoming individuals. We thank you for your ongoing support!!
Check out our committee descriptions, become a dues paying Member and/or a Volunteer!

Join HERE today! The Torrence Creek PTA consists of teachers, administrators, parents, extended family and community members who volunteer their time and talents to help our students and teachers. There is an opportunity for everyone with our PTA. If you have an hour, a day or want to chair a committee – there is a place for you in our PTA! If you have any questions or would like to know more about how to get involved, please complete our short online Volunteer Interest Form or send us an email (tceaglespta@gmail.com)! Membership ($10 per year) in the PTA as a dues paying member does not obligate you to volunteer, attend meetings or chair a committee. It simply shows your support for our organization, contributes funds to our programs and helps us meet our goal of 100% participation! All paid PTA members are also voting members.
Click HERE for easy ways to earn money for TCE throughout the year through our partner programs!