We hope our Eagles have a FANTASTIC summer break! Below is information you may find useful over the summer. Please remember to visit our Facebook page and Twitter feed to keep up with all the latest TCE PTA news!
Contact the PTA anytime!
New to TCE? We would love to meet you! Please email amy.salley@cms.k12.nc.us for a personal tour or call us at 980.343.0695.
- CMS Schools information for new students located here and includes helpful information including:
- 2017-2018 CMS Calendar
- Registration
- Immunizations
- Bell Schedules
- Lunch Programs
Summer Reading List The CMS Summer Reading List is a great way to keep your student reading this summer!
EduKit School Supplies School Supply shopping online and delivered to your student’s classroom? Yes. Please! Edukits ordered by 6/20/2017 will be delivered to your student’s classroom prior to the school year. If you miss the reduced price deadline. You can still order and have the kit delivered to your home prior to school. Edukit takes the stress out of school supply shopping!
Back To School 2017-2018 The First Day of School is Monday, August 28th. Information related to Meet the Teacher night, Paint the Rock sign ups and other Back to School information will be listed once it is finalized.